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"This program is wonderful. I’ve suffered with anxiety my whole life and a month ago I found myself struggling greatly and had to get signed off from work. I was recommended this program from a GP and it has completely changed my way of thinking. It has given me so many techniques that I can use going forwards to manage my anxiety. I feel like a different person now. Don’t hesitate to start this program, just do it."


Oct 2024

"Be Mindful is extremely helpful in living more peacefully. It helps me be more considerate and understanding of others because I can understand a bit more if something is causing any disturbance or inconvenience to someone. It helps me practice a little more patience with life. Keep an open mind to help you understand it is not a waste of energy."


Aug 2024

"This is a program worth undertaking to better train ourselves. It helped me take charge of my emotions very well."


Feb 2025

"Mindfulness has helped me tremendously in my recovery of meth. I am more aware of my auto pilot thinking. Also auto pilot eating. I enjoy my new awareness of thinking and eating healthy."


Jul 2024

"I found the program excellent. I felt the instructions and videos were clear and comprehensive. I felt interested to follow the program. It was easy to follow, yet kept me interested to practice and keep coming back. I have been amazed at how effective the program has been in my daily life. My stress and anxiety levels have reduced significantly. More so this has given me added tools to cope with difficulties and stress in my life. Its an easy, but very effective program. I would recommend this program to anyone. Thank you."


Jul 2024

"I sincerely am grateful to the Be Mindful program. I think it is great! It helped me so much to be grounded, calmer and even feel wiser because of it. I really can't thank you all enough for helping me have a mind that is a lot more sound than it ever was before. My sincere thanks."


Jun 2024

Flexible, accessible and on-demand

What's on the program

Be Mindful delivers all the elements of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), the clinically established form of mindfulness therapy. The objective of the program is for participants to improve their health questionnaire scores for Anxiety (GAD-7), Depression (PHQ-9) and Stress (PSS). This is achieved through the practice of mindfulness and cognitive approaches learnt throughout the program. 

Our experts guide participants in a linear structure through four themed modules, each taking one week to complete. Each module comprises of interactive on-demand sessions and mindfulness assignments to practice in their own time. Individuals take part at their own pace and are encouraged to practice regularly to achieve the most benefit.

Self-assessment tools are used to chart progress from start to finish. Over the course of the program, participants can expect to noticeably improve their mental health and wellbeing and gain the skills and knowledge to maintain good mental health in the long term.

Introduction - Stress Assessment - Orientation

Participants meet the experts and are introduced to mindfulness, discovering what to expect and what they can gain from the program. They take their pre-treatment self-assessment to measure their starting levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Routine Activity - Mindful Eating - Body Scanning

'Stepping Out of Auto Pilot'

Explore why behaving mechanically is not constructive, the benefits of awareness and learning how to make more conscious choices. Participants begin practising exercises in mindfulness to become more present.

Mindful Movement - Event Awareness - Mindful Breathing

'Reconnecting with Body & Breath'

Participants learn and practice mindful breathing and mindful movement to tune into the body and discover how our thoughts, emotions and body sensations are all connected.

Breathing Space - Stress Awareness - Sitting Meditation

‘Working with Difficulties’

Participants learn about stress, signs of its arrival and tools to help respond differently. They develop awareness of thought patterns and consider thoughts in a liberating new way.

Activity Awareness - Stress Strategies - Breathing Space 

‘Mindfulness in Daily Life’

Explore exercises to monitor stress levels and become aware of patterns to help recognise, respond and manage them more effectively.

Stress Assessment - Certificate - Resources

Participants revisit the self-assessment to measure their post-treatment levels of stress, anxiety, and depression and see how they have changed from their starting scores. Suggestions are proposed for continuing their mindfulness journey with the learnt techniques and tools from the program.

Participation by referral only

Be Mindful is only available to individuals via our licensed partners. We do not offer self-pay or other self-enrolment options. Our growing network of partners include healthcare services, workplaces, social enterprises, and other organisations who license our treatment programs for individuals in their catchment area or population.