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Displaying 1576 - 1582 of 1582 Testimonials

I just feel so much better thinking like the tortoise and not the hare - still getting there in the end but actually having a bit more time to enjoy the journey! Thank you for giving me the map!


Jan 2010

I would recommend this course to anyone suffering from anxiety or depression, even if they have already read or listened to the works of Jon Kabat-Zinn and his fellow authors. The fact of being "accompanied" by Ed and Tessa is very valuable.

John H

Jan 2010

Before taking the course, I read the testimonials. They were extremely positive and removed any doubt I had about spending time and money this way. This was the right thing to do! So I'm taking the time to add my own testimonial: if you're considering it, my advice is to do it. I'm not a changed person, but I am one with a few more resources to draw on and play with, and with more pervasive and gentler curiosity. There is a strong emphasis on stress here but you don't need to be stressed right now, or even expect to suffer from stress at other times to benefit: it'll also help you make more of even the best of times!


Jan 2010

I found this course to be simple to follow even whilst starting new medication for anxiety. The emails sent between sessions where helpful in encouraging you to keep going. I have found the 3-minute breathing exercise really useful to practice during the working day to reduce my experience of stress from escalating. I would recommend this course also because it is affordable.


Jan 2010

Thank you for this course.
I have found the theoretical and practical aspects of the course most useful in all aspects.
The pace of the course and the way in which it is structured is very good and easy to follow.


Jan 2010

This course has been a good, cost-effective start to mindfulness practice. 'Face-to-face' courses tend to be quite expensive and doing this course has helped me make the decision as to whether more training will be a viable investment, rather than committing to a lot of expense and hoping for the best. It has also been very beneficial. I didn't feel I was stressed when I started, but my stress score still went down considerably. I find the practice great for allowing a sense of perspective. Highly recommended.


Jan 2010

I've found the Be Mindful Online Course extremely helpful. It's helped me to realize that I don't need to rush around all the time, constantly "doing" and mentally adding things to my ever increasing To Do list. I'd read about mindfulness before I did the course but had a limited understanding of it. I feel that I know have a clear idea of what mindfulness is and exactly how it can be beneficial. Taking the time out to practise mindfulness has made me more effective, helped me to accomplish more and made my mind less frantic and much more calm. The emphasis on being kind to yourself has been good for me too as my default setting is to be overly critical. I'd definitely recommend it if you're feeling that life's getting on top of you and you're struggling to cope.


Jan 2010

Displaying 1576 - 1582 of 1582 Testimonials