This is an excellent starter course to learn about Mindfulness and is very helpful for people who might have difficulty going out to a course outside their home.
Annette Yunus
Sep 2015
Thank you very much. With help of your course I began to do something real, something true. Varsiliy Klaiman, Russia
Vasiliy Klaiman
Sep 2015
Peter Logan
Sep 2015
Liz Ollerhead
Sep 2015
Andrew Buckell
Sep 2015
I found the course to be well structured and pitched at a good level for beginners like myself. I felt encouraged at each stage by the virtual presence of Tessa and Ed and their instructions were given in a friendly and helpful way. Their email messages were a good way to remind me to keep going. Being able to re-cap on each section was very useful for me and knowing that I can continue to access the video sessions makes me feel confident of being able to continue the practises. I enjoyed the course - thankyou.
Anne Palmer
Sep 2015
It was simple, practical and elegant. It was presented mindfully, easily and with awareness. It was made idiot proof! Well done!
Sep 2015
Gemma Barton
Aug 2015
Gino Francato
Gino Francato
Aug 2015
I have felt under stress for a long time. I dabbled with mindfulness to keep it under control but it was a somewhat haphazard and limited self-help approach. I decided that was no longer helpful and signed up for this course. The course helped me to regain my sense of perspective and take a very different approach to my life. It has been invaluable and I am already recommending it to friends.
Kath Tweedie
Aug 2015
As a regular user of affirmations and positive thinking techniques, I found this course slotted well into my existing daily regime for keeping my perennial stress and anxiety under control. Mindfulness is now an integral part of my internal life, and a vital part of my mental and emotional wellbeing. I couldn't recommend it more highly.
Matt Bates
Aug 2015
I feel I've taken the first steps towards a life with less anxiety and stress.
Aug 2015
The course has been great - very useful everyday ways to stay in the present, put worries in context and achieve calmness. I would rate the course 5 out of 5.
Bev Fenton
Aug 2015
Generally I have found the course helpful.
Michael Bailey
Aug 2015
All in all an excellent course. I've rediscovered old methods and learnt some new.
Paul Stevens
Aug 2015
I've found it really helpful and WILL make a conscious effort to keep the exercises up. Thank you.
Aug 2015
I really enjoyed this course and feel it has given me a good taster into its practices and benefits with regards to reducing anxiety and stress. I am a professional counsellor and will definately encourage its practice with potential clients. I am seriously thinking about doing further education in mindfulness practice in the future as I believe it is a valuable tool to have throughout one's life.
S. A. Conroy
Jul 2015
Am feeling better think it has help me looking at my scores from start to finishing the course.
Heidi Copp
Jul 2015
I feel motivated to continue and to pursue this practice for the rest of my life.
Alexandra Vega
Jul 2015
I found this course invaluable for managing work related anxiety in the field of child protection. I learned a lot about focusing on me and how I manage myself and have learned to do this better. I am really surprised to see the significant reduction in stress levels at the end of the course.
Jul 2015
Great course
Gary Kleiner
Jul 2015
i found the course excellent. It was spot on in terms of understanding how best to deal with challenging thoughts and emotions and incorporate mindfulness in my day life in a way that should make it easier for me to keep going.
Jul 2015
A very useful and enjoyable course! Thank you.
Cristina Jones
Jul 2015
Thank you so much for a really great course. I found some of the practices difficult at first, and some immediately beneficial. It was really interesting to see how my body responded to stress and become aware of it as it was happening. This allowed me to find the space to react differently and made me feel different. I am sure this is just the beginning of my mindfulness journey.
Jul 2015
Although it took me a while to get through the course, in the end I did notice that I practiced most of the mindfulness suggestions, and now use them in my daily life. The course is gentle, with lots of easy to use useful practices.
Cyndi Barron
Jul 2015