I have really enjoyed the course and would recommend it. Finding the right time to practice is the key and then everything seems to slot in to place. I feel I would like to learn more and pass on what I learn. Thank you to Tessa and Ed
Linda Brazier
Apr 2016
It was very good and actually I thought very good value for money. I hope that I will be able to implement the techniques suggested in daily life and share them with others
Judy Laing
Apr 2016
I had some knowledge of mindfulness having read "The Happiness Trap" by Dr Russ Harris. The Be Mindful course was a refresher, but it also provided me with new tools, especially the 3-step Breathing Space exercise which I found very helpful in reducing stress levels. Daily practice is key to mindfulness and the course has motivated me to do this. Thank you for putting together this course.
Mar 2016
This course has totally changed my life! I can honestly say that after 10 years of struggling with depression and anxiety that mindfulness has been a life changer. It's changed how I view the world in such a positive way! I'm so grateful I got the chance to take this course!
Tamara Prendergast
Mar 2016
This course has changed my life in a very positive way. Before I started I was running around in circles, stressed, anxious, not sleeping and suffering panic attacks at night. For me, the most powerful technique has been the breathing exercises. I do them in the morning, during the day, before I go to sleep and in the night if I wake up. The other nugget was learning that anxious moments are like "weather" passing through. Instead of re-acting, I now look at them with curious detachment. A huge thank you, F.
Felicity Warner
Mar 2016
The course was fantastic. My anxiety and depression level is now Zero and my stress level has dropped from 18 to 3. I am so grateful . Thanks to the course leaders. I have recommended the course to my son and paid for him to go on it.
Magdalene Meduoye
Mar 2016
I liked the way the course was organised, it was really helpful. I also appreciate the fact I will have access to the library afterwards. I am going to use the exercises every day of the rest of my life.
Aggelika Gouli
Mar 2016
Peter Capon
Mar 2016
I found the mindfulness course at a time when I was at a crossroad in my career and extremely stressed. I have now secured a job I enjoy and use mindfulness techniques in my daily life at work and home. I feel more relaxed and my stress levels are minimal. The online course fitted with my work/life balance, was easy to access and use. I feel so much better now. Thank you Tessa and Ed.
Mar 2016
The course was well structured and delivered in an informative and supportive way. The exercises were varied to suit a range of needs. I found the guided meditations particularly useful as a means of practising on a regular basis. I would recommend this course as a good introduction to the purpose and practice of mindfulness.
Lesley Hirst
Mar 2016
I was amazed at how much my stress, depression and anxiety were reduced by mindfulness and meditation. Thank you for helping me to develop what I hope will be a lifelong habit.
Wendy Dirks
Mar 2016
Enjoyed the course very much and feel it's done me so much good. Tessa and Ed wonderful teachers - glad I can listen to their voices regularly on the audio exercises in my library. I know I'll continue with this throughout my life, it's so beneficial. Mindfulness reminds me a bit of the Alexander technique, which also is a way of reminding to use the body to ground and realign itself and noticing how 'practise' - getting used to listening to the body/breath and stepping out of automatic pilot - is so healing, physically as well as mentally. I intend to make meditation and mindfulness a part of my everyday life. Thank you.
Mar 2016
Be mindful has given me the start I needed to understand the principles of mindful living and bring them into my life.
Feb 2016
I was unsure about mindfulness at first and thought it was just a new trend. However, I've discovered some really great tips to help me be aware of myself more and help me deal with my anxiety and stress in a better way.
Beth Jowett
Feb 2016
Just what I needed - brilliantly constructed as a learning process; audio materials really helpful; no pressure and great benefits.
Sue Crane
Feb 2016
Although I completed a Mindfulness course a couple of years ago I was feeling the need for a bit of a 'refresher' and to further my understanding of Mindfulness. This course had ended, deepened my understanding and reignited my interest in taking it further.
Claire Fisher
Feb 2016
I found this experience very beneficial.
Teresa Swan
Feb 2016
I practised regularly and during the course it was often difficult. It was a tricky time in my life and I was very stressed. At the end of the course I didn't feel any different but then slowly things started to improve. I don't practise as often as I would like to but I am so much better. Far less anxious and much more on top of things.
Jan 2016
It was amazing So very helpful and accessible I've practiced mindfulness on and off for 6 years and this just added even more knowledge and happiness to my mind, body and world!
Heidi Smith
Jan 2016
I enjoyed the format of the course using videos, text, and practise; it is how I learn best. The presenters were easy to listen to and watch. I felt empowered, knowing that all I needed was me, to feel better. The approach was gently informative and taught one to be gentle with oneself. As a counsellor, I work with clients who are not aware of the value of our breath, and ignore the stress in their bodies until they fall ill. I will signpost mindfulness, and this course.
Roz Henfrey
Jan 2016
There has been a fundamental change in my state of mind as I progressed through the course. My intention is to build on what I have learnt. So thanks for a good start to my 'Mindfulness Journey'
Dennis Wood
Jan 2016
The course has given me chance to re-connect with myself. I didn't find it too challenging as I really wanted to do it. It is amazing how this has changed the way I physically and mentally feel. I have found myself taking pleasure out of simple things. This has been very apparent to my loved ones around me and very positive. I would go so far as to say I have been blissfully happy on some occasions without any particular reason. I will continue to practice and build on my experiences. Thank you,
Yvette Kennett
Jan 2016
This course has been a life changing experience and has changed my reality , making my life so much calmer and more focused . I look forward to continuing the journey of mindfulness . Thank you !
Liz Peck
Jan 2016
A worthwhile course, with helpful advice and follow-up suggestions. My husband and I took the course together, and we found it helpful in dealing with difficult discussions and daily stresses.
Susan Palmer
Jan 2016
I thought the course was great, very easy and well structured. Of course some exercises seem easier or more comfortable than others but it is important to try them all and see what works best for you. The most important lesson for me personally was the principle of "thoughts not facts" once I recognized this it seemed to free up my mind from worrying about various scenarios of doom! It also meant I have slept consistently well for the first time in maybe 15 years. I will definitely continue with the practices.
Richard Lowe
Jan 2016