I was already aware of some mindfulness practices through meditation. However this course has helped consolidate these. Very easy to use course. I like how simple it is to incorporate mindfulness activities into daily life. I would definitely recommend this course to other people.
Linda Khalid
Jan 2016
Very good value for money - has helped with reducing stress, anxiety and low mood. The course format is well structured and very effective. Has also helped to increase self awareness. I feel like this is just the beginning; mindfulness can be further developed, which in turn will help to continue my personal development.
David Fellows
Jan 2016
This was just what I needed. I was drowning in work and stress. I had lost sight of the things that made me happy and had become obsessed with things I had no control over. This has helped me reconnect with myself and family. I can be aware of stress but react differently in a much healthier way for me. I am actively involved in my life again! I am very glad I took the course.
Dec 2015
Thank you very much for your course! This is a great thing you're doing. I feel motivated to continue my journey on the path of mindfulness and really appreciated being together with you during this month. Thank you once again and all the best.
Dec 2015
Really enjoyed the way the course was designed -teaching sessions followed by opportunities to practice and reflect. Intensive enough to be meaningful but not so intense as to be daunting. Would urge everyone to have a go!
Melanie D'ardis
Dec 2015
This is an excellent online course which provides easy to follow and straight forward insight into mindfulness.
Steve L.
Dec 2015
I found the course extremely useful as an eye opener and all the sessions helpful. The only blemish would be that it's sometimes hard to find time to do all the practices, but I would blame that more on my schedule than on the course itself. Looking forward to reading more about and getting more commited with mindfulness.
Jorge Rodriguez Ramos Fernandez
Dec 2015
I really enjoyed this course. Breathing is a part of life but with this course i have learned to use it as a coping skill. I have always been told to just breath but taking this course has put a new perspective on that for me. I dont think that I didnt realize all the depleting things in my life until I was told to make a list of them..that was an eye opener for me.
Jessica DeWitt
Dec 2015
I have really enjoyed the online mindfulness course. I feel that the content was informative, relaxing and beneficial to my well being.I feel more positive and more in control of every day situations that may arise. I personally found the breathing exercise the most useful and will carry this on throughout my daily life. Thank you. Mrs L. Hopkinson.
Lynne Hopkinson
Dec 2015
I came to mindfulness with some knowledge already about the Practice. but the course instilled in me the need for regular daily practice, and I do feel I've missed out on something if I get to end of a day and haven't taken time out to practice. It certainly helped with my anxiety levels, and even on days in work when I did still feel rather overwhelmed, I forgave myself immediately and stayed kind to myself rather than beat myself up for not holding the stress better. Morag , Nurse, Lanarkshire
Dec 2015
Sally Skinner
Nov 2015
Suzan Loose
Nov 2015
Lucia Alcaide
Nov 2015
I found this course really helpful. Although initially I did wonder where I would find an extra half hour each day when I was already struggling to fit everything in, I managed and now find myself really trying to do things more mindfully. It's hard to know if I'm less stressed because of the course, or if life has just given me a break for the moment but I suspect there's a bit of both helping. I'd really recommend this course and have already recommended it to my friends.
Vicki Temple
Nov 2015
I thoroughly enjoyed the course. It gave me inner strength during a time when my resources were low and the timing could not have been better. I've gone onto joining a Mindfulness Stress Reduction Course that is local to me and have really felt the benefits.
Beryl King
Nov 2015
Great course, providing key knowledge and skills to manage everyday stressors more positively.
Nov 2015
I enjoyed doing the course and feel I gained a great deal. I felt the course came at just the right time. I have gone back to work and believe my life is improving and have something good to use in all different ways.
Ellen O'Shea
Nov 2015
This course is a real eye opener. It has really enabled me to grasp and understand aspects of stress and anxiety at my own pace, and to be able to deal with them effectively.
Trudy Barber
Oct 2015
Mila Kryukova
Oct 2015
I really liked the structure of it, and the gentleness of it. It helped me re-establish my mindfulness practice and learn new things.
Liz Hill-Smith
Oct 2015
A very good, friendly beginner course.
Liz Ogilvie
Oct 2015
I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to start and/or develop the knowledge about Mindfulness.
Pedro Pinto
Oct 2015
As originally a skeptic, I can say with confidence now that this course has changed my life. It's made me accept my anxiety and help to construct coping mechanisms when I am stressed. It's not a cure-all but definitely a great first step into overcoming anxiety and stress.
Lin Stewart
Oct 2015
I thought I would give the course a go as I had been feeling stressed and anxious for so long. The course helped me pause when my thoughts and stressors were troubling me. The three step breathing space has been so beneficial to me and I will continue to use this every day .
Oct 2015
I started this course possibly not in the best frame of mind, my stress, anxiety and depression levels were very high. At the end of the course my stress and depression levels were down by half; and my anxiety level as almost gone. This was and is an amazing experience, nice gentle and simple exercises to set you on a different path through life. So far for myself an inspiring path.
Nathan Hodgkin
Oct 2015